Monday 29 July 2013

The 10 Latest winners of Nobel Prize for Literature 2000 to 2010

Year : 2009
Winner : Herta Muller
Country : Romania

Year : 2008
Winner : J.M.G Le Clezio
Country : France

Year : 2007
Winner : Doris Lessing
Country : UK

Year : 2006
Winner : Orhan Pamuk
Country : Turkey

Year : 2005
Winner : Harold Pinter
Country : UK

Year : 2004
Winner : Elfriede Jelinek
Country : Austria

Year : 2003
Winner : J.M. Coetzee
Country : South Africa

Year : 2002
Winner : Imre Kertesz
Country : Hungary

Year : 2001
Winner : Sir V.S. Naipaul
Country : UK

Year : 2000
Winner : Gao Xingjian
Country : China

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